
January 31, 2007

New Blog

I have a new blog. It's a collaboration with my beautiful friends Jenn Johnson, Kelci Barnes, and anyone else who is interested in being a part of it. We take pictures of funny signs, storefronts, happenings and then post them. Pretty straightforward.

If you are interested in partaking in the revolution, let me know.

You should check it out here.

January 27, 2007

Ed Begley is Saving Our Planet

So, I haven't shared this story on my blog yet because every time I tell someone, I get a blank look. But since I can't see your face as you're reading this, I decided I'll throw it out, see if it sticks. It's a two-parter.

I was canvassing a few weeks ago in Studio City and I asked this woman if she had a minute to fight global warming. She said, "Environment stuff? I'm already into all of that." I replied with, "Really? What do you do?" and she said "I'm Ed Begley's wife."

I found this to be incredibly amusing because I knew (because I work in the environmental movement) that Ed Begley donates a lot of money for environmental causes. I also knew (because I'm awesome) that he was Stan Sitwell from Arrested Development, and so cannot grow his own hair- C'MON! I also found it amusing that she felt that simply by being married to Ed Begley, she was stopping global warming. Which might be true- I don't know the guy.

Skip ahead to last Thursday when my friend Jenn saw both Ed Begley and his wife outside of Whole Foods. She went inside of WF to get some food, and stumbled upon something amazing and texted me a picture of it.

Ed Begley has his own line of environmentally friendly cleaners... C'MON!

The end.

Sundance Recap

Sundance was fun.

My boyfriend and my best friends in the entire world are going to be famous. I'm just glad I get to be there when it happens.

Oh, and I saw Gary Coleman.

January 15, 2007

What's the Alternative?

Tonight, instead of watching The Golden Globes, I am watching Wife Swap (yes, it's finally the one with little people and fitness fanatics!) and Super Nanny!

What? I'm not ashamed.

January 13, 2007

Celebrity Sighting in Santa Monica

I saw Kristen Davis outside of Santa Monica Whole Foods yesterday.

The weirdest part was the flood of women and gay men following her around humming the Sex and the City theme. That must get really annoying.

January 07, 2007

New One Liner

Jonny and I were being lazy dasies yesterday, vegging on the couch watching a pbs cooking show. The host was talking about the aromatic properties of some flower, and I turned to Jonny and said, "Do you think he's gay?" Jonny replied with, "No, I think he's just a big fan of David Hyde Pearce."

That will now be my standard response to that question.

January 04, 2007

Pipe Problems

Yay Hollywood!
Brown sludge has been shooting from my bathtub drain recently. If anyone has any thoughts on what to do, please let me know.

January 02, 2007

Inspiring Santa Monica College Recruitment

I found this quote on the home page for Santa Monica College. I think it's amazing.
That's all.