
December 30, 2006

Celebrity Sighting at the White Horse (again)

I saw Johnny Knoxville at the White Horse last night. It was hard to miss him, because there were maybe ten people there. He was wearing a Pabst Blue Ribbon button up shirt, and had something else really trendy... on his arm. He was there with Karen O, lead singer of the Yeah Yeah Yeahs.

I did some internet research this morning, and they are not outed as an item (though they did collaborate on the Jackass 2 soundtrack). And I'm also 85% sure that Knoxville is married and has children.

But with a keen observation of body language and their collective level of sexiness, it is almost impossible that they are not doin' it.

So, you heard it here first folks! Johnny Knoxville is leaving his wife and children to pursue this rock star vixen. And the best part is, she's pregnant. Tell your friends.

Fear and Loathing in Westwood

I was working in Westwood a couple of days ago, and this girl who was chatting on her phone walked past me. Through no fault of my own, I overheard part of her conversation. She said, quite matter-of-fact, "Yeah, I decided that I'm going to become addicted to laxatives."

I don't know about you, but I for one am morally opposed to food baby abortions.

December 22, 2006

The Reason for the Season


Merry Christmas everyone!

December 20, 2006

Celebrity Sighting on My Flight to Portland

Matt Walsh was on my six in the goddamn morning flight to Portland much earlier today. I did not mean to sit across from him in the terminal- I just looked up from my book and there he was. So I snapped a picture on my cell phone just for legitimacy's sake.

Please God, someone validate me.

December 17, 2006

Dreamgirls Confusion

Perhaps someone can settle my confusion. Jonny and I went to the Arclight Theater yesterday to see Apocalypto (which was only okay). At the Arclight, they are showing Dreamgirls from this past Friday until its gets officially released on Christmas. The tickets are $25 and most of the showings are already sold out.

What is going on here? Is it possible that Dreamgirls is really going to be that good? I've seen the trailer and I am not even inspired enough to pay the regular $11 ticket price.

Regardless, I can't think of a film that I would pay $25 to see (unless it came with a dvd and a foot massage) let alone one that stars Beyonce Knowles. People remember that she sang Bootylicious, right?

December 14, 2006

Celebrity Sighting at the Worst Bar in LA

I saw Nick Stahl at Barney's Beanery in West Hollywood today, while getting a drink after canvassing.

His taste in bars sucks. And so does mine, apparently.

Celebrity Sighting at the Arclight

I saw Cuba Gooding Jr. today at the Arclight Theater in Hollywood, while canvassing.

He did not show me the money.

December 12, 2006


Seriously, speechless.

The Mob Squad

I'm pretty sure the Armenian Mafia meets on the patio at the West Hollywood Whole Foods. I snapped this picture with my phone as proof.

The old man is Uncle Junior, the big guy on the far left is Tony, and the guy with his back to us is Big Pussy.

They sat (had a sit down) for at least an hour.

Honestly, I'm glad the mob has finally embraced organic foods and has become more environmentally conscious. Because they are the number one contributor to unclean water.

December 10, 2006

Celebrity Sighting at the Beck Show

I saw Jason Lee at the Beck show at the Echo last night, in Echo Park.

At the Becko show.

One By One I'll Knock You Out

Last night, Blahblog went with Glitterfish, Jen Cady, and Mr. Sundance to a surprise Beck concert at the Echo. After two hours in line and fifteen dollars, we were ready to be wowed. And we were. Beck played an amazingly funky and magical set, unparalleled to any other concert I've seen. Except Jon Brion. But don't make me choose. Just don't.

My experience was tainted slightly by the young hipsters that surrounded us. I have no problem with old hipsters- "the originals" I call them. It's the young ones that represent everything that is annoying about the current state of indie rock. This girl in front of me, wearing an outfit so atrocious it almost sent Jen into tears, was talking about all the concerts that she has seen and the bands that she loves. Evidently, she loves Bright Eyes, Broken Social Scene, and Beck (of course!!), but she doesn't like Bloc Party because they are too "radio." I am going to try to use that phrase as much as possible now. I also just realized that all the bands she was talking about start with the letter "B." Perhaps she had her iPod in front of her.

Then Jonny overheard a guy talking to his friend's girlfriend. He said, "The Postal Service is like, emotion, and Death Cab is like, rock." It was hipster hell in there.

Maybe I'm too judgmental or maybe I read glitterfish too much, but when Beck sang, "One by one I'll knock you out," I was convinced he was talking to the young hipsters in the audience. And I cheered.

December 07, 2006

Dance Dance Revolution

This video is all about dancing.

The move he does at 00:31 is my absolute favorite.

December 05, 2006

Tyra Shares Her Secret

I have a strange fascination with the Tyra Banks Show. It started a while ago, and I have not been able to figure out why I am so drawn to it. Tyra dropped some knowledge about it:

“My audience is women 18-34, so I have to give them what they want and spoon-feed them with sugar the things they might not be that excited about. Give it to them in a way that they don’t know they’re being fed a little medicine."

What's weird is that even though it's fed to me with sugar, I can still taste the bitter condescension.

Discovering Musicovery

Okay. I was totally not going to post about this because I read about it on Pop Candy, and I promised myself that I would not write about something I read about on a blog.

But, my promise must be broken because Musicovery is the most amazing thing since Pandora. It's an online radio station that you can program based on your mood and your favorite genre.

So, enjoy, dear reader, because I have lost integrity and blog cred just to bring you musical fun.

You're welcome.

December 03, 2006

Embarassing Confession #1

I was surfing the internet while the television was on in the background. I looked up at the TV and there was an interaction between a woman and her therapist. I don't remember the joke, and I don't remember what happened, but I laughed out loud at the show. Here comes the horrible part: the show, unbeknownst to me, was Reba.

A Random Find

After hours of perusing thrift store after thrift store on Melrose, friends and I stumbled into "American Vintage." I could not find a winter coat for the life of me, so I started looking for t-shirts. Fatefully, I found a green "JADA" baseball shirt. The reality that my boyfriend's favorite old shirt was not a one of a kind set in. But then I realized that it stars in his critically acclaimed short film, which can be seen in Park City, Utah in January at the Sundance Film Festival.

Now I have a little piece of movie magic.