
April 27, 2008

Gchat with Jonny while he was at work

9:57 PM me: should i watch point break or the jerk?
10:15 PM Jonathan: either are good choices
10:16 PM Jonathan: I guess it depends on how you want to wake up: to gunfire and shouting or slow witted mumbling

Gchat with Swango

9:56 PM me: should i watch point break or the jerk?
10:07 PM Nathan: Well I watched sneakers last night,
starring dan ackroyd
and when i think about him i also think about tom hanks
who was in the burbs with corey feldman
when i think about him i typically think about lost boys which i recently got for easter
10:08 PM vampires are cool around holloween
so are rubber masks
thus i truly believe you should watch point break
its logic